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    Plastic Heroes

    I love the ocean , I like to think that I am only here for a short time and will return to the ocean, my utopia. I am sure, I must have been a mermaid in my previous life, or maybe…

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    I was recently at a funeral, what I noticed was the silence, occasionally disturbed only by hush tones. Have you noticed that only the present matters, at a funeral,  not the words you say? Words don’t have meaning,  without silence.…

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    Unhanging The Executed

    When she called the agents for the washing machine, they promised to send a repairman immediately. She persisted, how long do you mean when you say immediately, she asked. “Immediately, means as soon as a technician will be available, madam.”…

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    Twice Abused.

    When she didn’t report to work, everyone assumed that she had been abused again by her husband. Her female co-workers did not want to interfere as her husband was well known for his anger tantrums towards anyone who came between…

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    Death House

    Today is the first day I am staying in this hospital quarters , the first day in my whole life I am home alone. My  parents accompanied me to this lonely,  remote hospital amidst lush tea plantations,  my first appointment…

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    Living With Cancer

    The pain never leaves your body ,it is embedded in the deepest recesses of yourself. Places you thought so sacred, even the closest of humans who was not given access to is ravaged. The most painful thing in having  cancer…

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    Chance Encounter

    When the opportunity finally downed, she was rendered speechless. In fact, she desperately tried to remember the beautiful quotes,  she had been collecting for this very day.  Every living moment of her life had been invaded by him. Life had…

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    Living in a Soulless City

    Colombo could be described as dirty,  yes despite vigorous efforts to keep the city clean people still throw their trash outside dustbins, it can be smelly too in some quarters and no one will deny the heavy traffic  But, Colombo…